Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dark Steel, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon

This is the one card that makes Dragon decks even considered for competetive play. He boasts an impressive 2800 ATK and 2400 DEF on a level 10 DARK Dragon. DARK is always good and Dragon is what makes the card playable, although it would work for pretty much any other type as well.

The effects are that you can Special Summon it by removing a Dragon monster on the field from play. Then, once per turn you can Special Summon a Dragon type monster from your hand or graveyard.

The fact that it can be Special ummoned is what makes this card VERY good. You can use things like Totem Dragon to remove it, or even just tribute summon it. The ideal way to get this guy to the field is with Future Fusion. You use FF to send 2 REDMD, 2 Red Eyes Wyvern and a Totem Dragon targeting Fve Headed Dragon. At the end phase, you get two REDMD cards to the field.

Using Foolish Burial you can even get some of the bigger Dragons like Tyrant Dragon and White Night Dragon to the field for pretty much nothing. It gets a little cheap even when you have cards like Burial and Dragon's Mirror to bring enormous Dragons to the field. Basically, this card is crazy good for swarming with big guys, and using cards like Cards of Consonnance, you can get comboes going with White Stone of Legend.

  There are just so many combos you can pull off with this guy... Totem Dragon, Future Fusion, and Five Headed Dragon are his best friends, and when coupled with Red-Eyes Wyvern, it's easy to pull off massive swarms.  Backbone of Dragon OTKs, and he's only going to get better as more dragon support is released.


  1. nice card but only for dragon deck

  2. haven't played Yu-Gi-Oh! in a while but this card looks pretty good
    I haven't seen it before

  3. holy shit i'd give my left testicle for that card. im kidding i wouldnt really.

  4. Cool card, actually from reading your Blog you've made me try and look for my cards from like 7 years ago. Still looking D: !

  5. I though i had this card too, but this was long time ago :>

  6. What a cool dragon :)

  7. Haters gonna Hate, yugioh cards had awesome art

  8. i thought it was red eyes black metal dragon from the anime, or is this metal version of darkness dragon from that starter deck

    they look pre similar

  9. Wow, this is pokeman for professionals :p

  10. Whenever I see those dragon cards I remember like "purple gay eyed faggot dragon" joke card from the internet

  11. Wait, this isn't a tranny site?!?! WTF man?

  12. Another good card from the trap master!

  13. that is a legit card. i assume its newer? i used to play back on the good old days where blue eyes was the most legit =P

  14. thats cool , good for dragon deck for real

  15. I swear they just keep adding more random words before Dragon...

  16. Damn, I remember the old days when just have a 2 sac 3000 attack monster was really good. Nice to see what these cards are doin these days, brings me back.
