Monday, October 4, 2010

The handless combo infernitys

infernities hit the ground running three months ago when they received their first big group of cards in The Shining Darkness. Infernitites won at the Canadian World Championship Qualifier and YCS Chicago, but their winning streak was cut short by Sean Montague’s X-Saber win at the U.S. World Championship Qualifier. Today, after not even making it to the final rounds at the U.S. WCQ, they were back in Top 16 action.

The Infernity Deck, as usually played, is all about speed. Fill the Graveyard with copies of Infernity Archfiend, Infernity Necromancer, and some Tuners, then explode with Infernity Launcher and Infernity Mirage, Special Summoning fistfuls of monsters over and over to flood the field with Synchro Monsters. Infernity Barrier protects these combos, by stopping cards like D.D. Crow, Dust Tornado, and Solemn Judgment from stopping the rampage.


  1. Where is dolan? I wish these card comps were still played in Australia

  2. I use to play when I was like 14

  3. nice post bro, I remember having some yugioh cards when I was younger!

  4. I agree with Music Guru, this brings back a lot of good memories, haha.

  5. i used to play pokeman cards wayyy back, im a grown up now lol

  6. nice post, i used to play pokemon card back in the day too, what a flashback

  7. u ever play magic the gathering?

  8. Blue Eyes White Dragon. That's all I gotta say.

  9. Haha damn, a yugioh blog, thats pretty cool. I used to collect and play back in the day, and even play on my playstation. Good times, you should talk about cool duels where epic showdowns or weird standoffs occured, just as a suggestion

  10. You've got some good creativity in this blog!

  11. Yu-gi-oh was the shit in my elementary school days.

  12. Thanks for your comments on my blog. Beating Inertia has a new Q&A post!

  13. I miss yu gioh in general, not on tv ere' any more
